Subject: SS10 netboot problems
To: None <>
From: Steven Grunza <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 11/25/2003 13:02:57
A failed sysinst attempt with 1.6.1 has left me with an unbootable 
disk.  Since I don't have a cdrom drive I need to netboot.

I followed various how-to's without much luck.  The file seems to 
load but the netbsd.ram file isn't getting read.

I finally noticed that the serial port mentions "Using BOOTP protocol" but 
I don't have bootp running; I want to use bootparamd.

How can I tell the SS10 to use bootparamd instead of bootp?  It seems 
someone else is running bootp and I am using their NFS server, not 
mine.  Of course their server doesn't have the netbsd install image it 
stops while trying to fetch various netbsd.* files.

"Unix is user friendly, it's just | Steven Grunza
particular about with whom it     | voice:  (856) 787 - 2759
makes friends."                   | fax:    (856) 866 - 2033
  - Unknown                        |