Subject: re: sparc port switched to xfree 4.3.0
To: None <>
From: matthew green <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 07/23/2003 12:33:56
   :)as warned a couple of months ago (at least? :-) i have finally switched
   :)the sparc port over to xfree 4.x tree.  i have tested Xsun on an ss10
   :)in dual headed mode and it all seems pretty OK.
   Cool, thanks!  Is there a recent snapshot available?  Any particular issues
   that need documenting?

snapshot stuff is happening.....  i don't think there are any
particular sparc issues.  we're still using Xsun etc so nothing
should really change a whole except the userland grows a lot :)

in the future, i'd like to (optionally) switch to using the
xfree86 based server, that has better (accelerated) drivers for
the sparc graphics cards already...
