Subject: Re: sparc port switched to xfree 4.3.0
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: port-sparc
Date: 07/22/2003 22:42:27
> in the future, i'd like to (optionally) switch to using the xfree86
> based server, that has better (accelerated) drivers for the sparc
> graphics cards already...

Are you sure?  When I looked (and I looked at XFree86 code, not NetBSD
xsrc), at least for the cg14 and the S24, xfree86 used them as dumb
24bpp framebuffers and nothing more.  No 8bpp windows, no acceleration.

My code doesn't use the acceleration, but at least it supports a
depth-8 visual.  There was someone who was working on rolling it into
xsrc; I don't know the status of that effort - perhaps that person
could tell us?

I want to use what (little) acceleration the S24 has, and someday I
probably will.  I'd _like_ to do the same with the cg14, except that I
have no documentation whatever on the cg14's capabilities or how to use

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