Subject: Re: 1.6* floppy Install disk2 is bad? (or am I just an idiot?)
To: None <>
From: =?iso-8859-1?q?Laurent=20FAILLIE?= <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 07/02/2003 23:33:32
 --- Beaker <> a écrit : > 
> > No matter how many perfectly good floppies I've
> tried, I have never been
> > able to get any of the disk2 images from this
> floppy install set to work.
> I've had similar problems trying to make the install
> floppies on a *NIX machine.
> Try making them on a windows machine with the
> rawrite utility. I recently did
> this with the sparc-1.6.1 port and it worked fine.

I had this problem when building on a Solaris 8
workstation. Using the read_verify option solve this
problem (don't ask me why ;-D).

Lolo (for NetBSD i386 : now I'm fighting w/ X :-(( ).

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