Subject: re: couldn't ping cpus
To: Manuel Bouyer <>
From: matthew green <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 01/20/2003 10:48:29
   I added a Debugger() call right after the "couldn't ping cpus" message.
   Stack traces for both CPU are exactly the same.
   From ps, I guess there are a few processes runnable, including the reaper,
   and one in state SDEAD.
   I've not been able to know which one are on CPU.

run "ps" from ddb.  also "ps/a" and "mach cpu".  that will let you
figure out what the curproc of each cpu is, and also what process
owns fpu state on this cpu (fpproc).
   I can't get a core dump.

this, also, i thought pk fixed a couple of days ago.. or at least
one case of this...
