Subject: Re: Installing NetBSD 1.6 from CD
To: netbsd-sparc <>
From: John D. Baker <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 10/18/2002 23:07:27
Tim Kent <> wrote:

> I am having the same problem as that in
> however the
> problem report states that a fix was applied to -current on Jul 11.  Would
> it be possible that the fix didn't make it into the NetBSD 1.6 install
> kernel?
> I am using the same hardware as listed in the problem report (SPARCstation
> 5, Toshiba XM-4101B).  The drive installs Solaris 8 with no problems at all.
> It boots the NetBSD 1.6 cd fine, but when it needs to mount the installer
> root image (cdrom or 1 chosen from the menu) it fails with this error:
> esp0: invalid state: 6
> esp0: resetting scsi bus
> esp0: SCSI bus reset
>Has anyone come across this same problem, and if so, any workarounds?

If this is the slimline CD-ROM drive found in the older "Aurora 1"
chassis for SS5/SS20, then I have definitely encountered the same
problem.  It boots the microroot OK, but fails as above when attempting
to fetch the install filesystem.

I've considered that this CD-ROM drive is old enough that perhaps it
just can't cope with CD-R media (at least not the blue-tinted variety
that I've been using [Maxell]).  I've not tried using this mechanism
since then (I removed it and used another drive in an external case.)

Nor have I tried using it with commercially-pressed CD-ROMs such as
Solaris comes on, but I can probably do that easily enough.

I, too, would be curious to hear other's experiences and/or solutions.

John D. Baker                              jdbaker(at)mylinuxisp(dot)com
http(colon slash slash)www(dot)mylinuxisp(dot)com(slash tilde)jdbaker(slash)
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