Subject: Re: netbooting LX not working, please help!!
To: Brian Hechinger <>
From: Andrey Petrov <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 09/17/2002 17:15:37
On Tue, Sep 17, 2002 at 07:49:16PM -0400, Brian Hechinger wrote:
> ok, so what could i possibly be doing wrong?  this is something i've done a
> million times before, and in fact, i have netboot this very LX from this very
> DHCP server (well, it was solaris8 before, and it's solaris9 now, but same
> copy of ISC DHCPD)
> when i snoop the interface, i see the RARP requests coming in, but they are
> never being answered.  any ideas as to why this might be?  this is infuriating

rarpd is not running, or /etc/ethers dosn't have your client machine entry.


> me, but mostly since nothing seems to be working correctly right now, this is
> just a tip of the iceburg.  that and me having sucessfully done it before
> really kinda torques me off that it doesn't work now.
> is there a problem with ISC DHCP 3.0p1 on Solaris 9 that anyone knows about?
> thanks!!!
> -brian
> -- 
> > heh, I talked to one company, "So we're moving our existing application
> >     base from cobol to visual basic.."
> > I took my resume back from them
> > I mean, no reason to waste a perfectly good resume