Subject: Re: cg6 from an ss2 to ss5, ok?
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: port-sparc
Date: 09/02/2002 09:18:52
>> First thing I would do is get out a vacuum and vacuum out all the
>> dust grilles.

> Recommend compressed air or a blower.

> Q:  What's the difference between a belt-driven vacuum cleaner and a
>     Van der Graaf static generator?
> A:  Not much.  Don't use one to clean out your computer.

I've never quite understood that.  The static referred to will be
generated in the vacuum cleaner, which is downstream of the computer.
The only way I can see a problem is if you're trying to use something
like an upright (! - do they still exist these days?), or if you're
holding the vacuum while touching the machine, or some such.  But a
tank purring along six feet away pulling air through a hose, I have
trouble seeing as a problem.

Am I just exposing my ignorance of static generators? :-)  I've never
lost a machine in a way I could attribute to this effect, but my
vacuuming has always been with tank-and-hose vacuums, either central
vac systems or a shop-vac.

>> That's one reason I suspect cooling.
> ...on a cg6?

Yup.  The "big chip" gets warm to the touch under normal operation,
which means it's dissipating enough power to fry itself if there's no
cooling.  (A closed case preventing convection with dust preventing
normal fan-driven airflow is an example.)

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