Subject: Re: issues with NetBSD 1.5.2
To: None <>
From: Bernd Sieker <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 07/11/2002 09:09:51
On 11.07.02, 06:48:22, Craig Dewick wrote:
> Hiya,
> I recently replaced NetBSD 1.4.1 with 1.5.2 on my Sparc 10 FTP server
> machine.
> I had some problems because of the changed structure of the /etc/rc.* files,
> etc. but nothing too major.
> The only issue I have now is that when the system boots, there are lots of
> warning messages about environment variables not being defined when the
> various rc scripts are run.
> Also, I have one semi-major problem in that syslogd will not start
> automatically. I checked and the syslogd rc script depends on wscons being
> set up. During booting there is a warning about the wsconsfg script, or
> something with a similar name, not being found, and this stops syslogd from
> starting.
> Any ideas on what to look for?
All variables for all possible services for which there are scripts in
rc.d should be set, either to YES or to NO.
Make sure that there is a recent /etc/defaults/rc.conf (and a recent
/etc/rc.conf, which includes /etc/defaults/rc.conf, if it exists),
which should set reasonable defaults for most services. Overrides for
your particular setup go into /etc/rc.conf
If I configure a new system, I usually load /etc/rc.conf (almost
empty) into an editor, and then append /etc/defaults/rc.conf, and look
at each line, deleting ones I don't want to change, and change and
keep the others.
> Regards,
> Craig.
> --
Bernd Sieker
NetBSD: Multi-platform OS