Subject: Re: Setting visuals on Xsun server
To:, Cory Bajus <>
From: Michael Lorenz <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 06/10/2002 17:57:19

>Is there a way to control the visuals reported by the Xsun server?
>I'm running NetBSD on a SS2 with a TGX and grayscale monitor.  I would
>prefer the Xsun server report only grayscale type visuals (like using
>the 'grayvis' option in the SunOS Xnews server).  Is this possible, or
>is there a better way to report to X applications that they are
>running on a grayscale display?

It is at least possible ( I did exactly this some years ago on a IPX, when NetBSD 1.1 was brand new :-) )
The Xserver has a command line option that tells it what visual class to use - I used 'static gray' ( or something similar ) back then. That should feel 
like true color to most X11 clients. Sorry, I don't have access to that machine anymore so I can't check the exact syntax. Just read the man page :-)

have fun