Subject: Re: pkgsrc and tcsh
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: port-sparc
Date: 05/26/2002 18:30:00
>> The problem isn't one program in /bin.  The problem is that once you
>> let yourself install one program in one OS-managed directory,
>> there's much less reason not to make it two, then three, [...]
> My really big beef is /usr/X11R6.

That's why I never install X there: it ensures - well, helps ensure -
that I don't get programs carelessly installing pieces of themselves
into my X install directories.

> Why do so many pieces of software suffer from the misconception that
> it is even remotely okay to install stuff in the system
> directories???

In the case of X, I believe this is a design bug in X: it semi-requires
that app-defaults files live in a single common place.

It's one reason I don't use programs that depend on app-defaults files.
My X setup is set up to install app-defaults files into /var/X11R6, I
think it is, and that doesn't exist.  So far, only one or two programs
have broken into unusability as a result, and them I just don't use.

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