Subject: Re: cross building sparc on 1.5/i386
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: port-sparc
Date: 04/24/2002 21:36:38
> BTW, anyone interested in free ELC?  Located in Montreal (and I'm
> guessing even der Maus doesn't want any of those anymore)

:-)  Well, don't throw it out.  I've got two (I think) SLC/ELCs that
I'm hanging onto in case I someday want a zero-noise machine, and if
the screen is in good shape, I may replace one of those with it.  If
not, I'd just decapitate it and save the guts.

If nobody else wants it, of course.  If anyone else has a use for it,
that's certainly preferable to its sitting on my shelf for the next N
years until I finally decide I'm not going to find a use for it...or,
if I'm lucky, find someone who does have a use for it.

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