Subject: Re: Upgrading from 1.5.2 to -current?
To: Brad Knowles <>
From: Greg A. Woods <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 04/22/2002 13:24:45
[ On Monday, April 22, 2002 at 01:22:00 (+0200), Brad Knowles wrote: ]
> Subject: Re: Upgrading from 1.5.2 to -current?
> 	I do not see how you can arrive at this, based on the 
> documentation.  The way Greg wrote it, it seems pretty clear:
> 		1.  If you're doing a checkout, it needs to be done in /usr
> 		2.  If you're doing an update, it needs to be done in /usr/src
> 	How can you derive this from the documentation?
> 	If you can somehow derive this set of statements from the 
> documentation, I would like to understand how.  If doing so requires 
> knowledge of CVS, then the documentation is wrong -- no working 
> knowledge of CVS should be assumed, unless you're going to say that 
> using -CURRENT is off limits unless you are a CVS expert.

Well, despite all that perhaps it's time to read some more related
documentation anyway:  "info cvs".

The exact options and parameters given on the command line greatly
affect what will happen with CVS, and what pre-conditions must exist in
order for some semblance of success to result.

Strictly speaking the documentation is 100% correct as far as I can see,
and it takes into account perhaps the widest possible variety of
scenarios.  It's not exactly the simplest or most obvious way of doing
things though....

								Greg A. Woods

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