Subject: re: Ultra 10s premature death?
To: The bird <>
From: matthew green <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 04/03/2002 11:47:40
   > many people told that this means level-2 cache (2MB for utlra
   > 10 440MHz CPU) is damaged.
   > Is this problem of the ecache common for ultrasparc CPUs ??
   > anyone experienced this problem ever?
   About 2 years ago, we got a shipment of Ultra 10s which exhibited this
   problem (or a very similar one).  We had to get all 16 replaced.  Sun
   confirmed it at that time to be a CPU bug.
   The newer suns we've been using (all Netra class) have been fine, at least
   in that department.  I haven't seen the problem since then.

i've had a u10/440 since feb 2000 and it's basically been working
flawlessly for me running solaris 2.6 and while ago 8.

"lucky" i guess.