Subject: Re: Magma 2+1HS Sp: success!
To: None <>
From: Toby Thain <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 01/22/2002 10:37:46
Charles Shannon Hendrix wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 17, 2002 at 03:06:35AM -0500, der Mouse wrote:
> > My Magma 2+1HS Sp now works, at least for smoke-test values of "works".
> > One serial port talks to itself with a loopback connector (pins 2 and 3
> > connected) and it talks to another machine at 9600 (so it doesn't have
> > the baudrate out by a factor of 20:25 or any such).  I haven't tried
> > the other serial port, but don't expect any problems.
> Do you expect this board to be able to handle at least 115Kbps?  I had
> always heard these cards and some others can go reasonably fast, but
> never bought one because of what I heard about the drivers.
> I've been looking for a solution to using a 56K modem on my old Sun
> for awhile now.
> I have a Sun serial board, but have no idea what kind of speeds it can
> handle.  Do you know anything about them?

I have an LC2+1Sp; there's PDF documentation at .
It ran beautifully on a SPARCstation 1 with a 56kbps modem under SunOS
4.1.4, until recently. I have not tried it under NetBSD (we switched to
ADSL and no longer need a modem link). Certainly solved any overrun
problems. It definitely supports 115kbps, maybe even higher.


> --
> UNIX/Perl/C/