Subject: RE: Kernel boot 'inappropriate file type'
To: None <>
From: Julian C. Dunn <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 10/13/2001 17:57:58
On 13-Oct-2001 wrote:
> ok, those digits I mentioned are just a date code as to when the file was
> last modified or maybe a creation date.  I doubt it has anything to do
> with my problem.
> If not that, then WHAT?  Its enough to piss off  a saint and there is no
> documentation regarding this problem on the web.  I've hit Deja, Google,
> etc and come across this error but not in the context I'm experiencing it
> in.

I suspect that it might have something with the boot loader's knowledge
what inode to boot from being hardcoded, if it is, in fact the case. Therefore,
the following install-kernel target makes sense (pulled from the

        rm -f /onetbsd
        ln /netbsd /onetbsd
        cp netbsd /nnetbsd
        mv /nnetbsd /netbsd

It seems like a pretty bizarre way of installing a kernel, but it makes sense
if the inode # has to be preserved across kernel installs. That could be your

- Julian

[      Julian C. Dunn <> * <>       ]
[     WWW:  * PGP: 0xFDC205B9      ]
[ "and out of your mouth comes a stream of cliches/ but i have given you ]
[   so much rope you should have been hanging for days" -- aimee mann    ]