Subject: Re: making old sparcs run fast
To: None <>
From: T. M. Pederson <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 05/03/2001 15:42:02
On "Thu, 03 May 2001 22:08:47 +0200", "ali \(Anders Lindgren\)" <> wrote:
>>From my experience with 110MHz SparcStation5:s running NetBSD-1.5,
>I would say "no" for any values of graphical browser. Mozilla 0.8
>(most recent pkg) is so painfully slow you get sick of it even
>before it SEGVs (which happens quickly anyway), and there are no
>other useful[0] browsers for non-x86 non-Linux *IX that I know of.
>The above also applies to running the official Solaris version of Netscape
>on a 4x450MHz Ultra80 with 4G of RAM and X11:ing the (8bpp) display home
>over a local 10Mbit ethernet. It's still painfully slow (and netscape 4.77
>crashes even worse than mozilla 0.8 did).
>What browser do other port-sparc users out there run on their sparcs?

My primary workstation is a 70 MHz Sparc 4 w/ 64 Mbytes RAM and NetBSD-1.5.
I have it loaded with Mosaic, Chimera, Arena, and Mozilla (actually, `make
update` for Mozilla is running right now).  They all suck roughly equally,
though in different ways.  On the subject of Mozilla, I haven't found it
to be painfully slow, but then I've dealt with ork places where I've been
expected to use Navigator on a '286[1][2].  YMMV.

For casual browsing I use Mosaic.

[1]  Yes, an 80286.  With 3 Mbytes of RAM.
[2]  Their expectations were not met.
T. M. Pederson <>
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"Bother," said Pooh as he reloaded his AK-47.