Subject: Re: making old sparcs run fast
To: None <>
From: Greg Earle <earle@isolar.DynDNS.ORG>
List: port-sparc
Date: 05/03/2001 13:28:56
On Thu, 3 May 2001, ali (Anders Lindgren) wrote:

> What browser do other port-sparc users out there run on their sparcs?

I use a real computer for Web browsing.

(You know ... those things with real 24-bit video support, fast CPUs and
 beautiful-looking fonts and whatnot inside the Web browser?  They're called
 "Macs" ... )

	- Greg (who finds spending $1k+ on Cycle boards - when SS20's can be
		had for like US $450 nowadays - to be immensely humorous)