Subject: Re: lyx (was: xforms )
To: None <>
From: T. M. Pederson <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 04/28/2001 11:26:09
On "Thu, 19 Apr 2001 13:29:33 +0100", Greg MATTHEWS <> 
>yes i should have seen this! thanks to everyone for the info (sorry for the 
>delay but i've been off work for a week).

No problem; I've been fighting fires for the last several weeks.

> my lil classic is compiling away as 
>i type but it will be a few hours yet until i know whether unlimiting the 
>datasize has solved the problem.
>> :)>yes i did a sup for pkgsrc current before i started the compile and left 
>> :)>compiling when i went home. unfortunately... as you suggested in an earli
>> :)>mail, it choked with the following message... 'virtual memory
>> :exhausted'. how
>> :)>annoying! is that a leak or will more swap space solve the problem? my
>> :)>classic

Right, I keep forgetting about that.  One odd thing that I've noticed on the
rare occasions where this does come up (and hopefully will remember next time)
is that things won't necessarily choke at the datasize limit.  In the case of
the lyx build it was choking at the memoryuse limit (56MB on this machine vs.
datasize of 64MB).  Did I miss the docs that note this quirk?