Subject: Re: What tty console line on sun sparc with sun monitor?
To: User Nbsdbob NetBSD Bob <>
From: David Brownlee <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 04/06/2001 19:37:34
What was your screen size (cols x rows) again?
David/absolute -- No hype required --
On Thu, 5 Apr 2001, User Nbsdbob NetBSD Bob wrote:
> In NetBSD-1.4.3 sparc, what is the correct setup to get a sun monitor to
> work correctly on a GX framebuffer. It is all screwed up in the stock
> install, sufficiently that ed is the only editor that works. Vi does
> not handle the screen correctly. What needs to be fixed? Is that a
> tty console entry change, or a .profile thing, or does it need a kernel
> compile to work properly? I would not expect needing a kernel compile,
> but more something simpler than that, like a tty entry.
> I can't be the only dunce that has run into this....(:+\\....
> Can someone echo me their console line out of the ttys file for
> a NetBSD-1.4.3 sparc running a Sun monitor rather than a tty terminal?
> Thanks
> Bob