Subject: Re: xforms
To: None <>
From: Greg MATTHEWS <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 04/05/2001 15:31:20
> I just tried to build lyx on NetBSD/sparc-1.5 yesterday, and the
> system ran out of memory (64 Mbyte box) in the middle of the build.
> There appears to be something a little off in pkgsrc-current.

wow - that sucks, i only have 48MB on my lil classic!

> I'll see about putting together a patch for the existing package (and
> submitting it), but it may be a week or two before I have time.

that would be great

i did try downloading the bxform-088-ELF.tgz from
but to no avail. the fd2ps directory remains pretty empty (just readme and 

i'll wait and see if the pkgsrc tree changes...

many thanks for your comments