Subject: Re: simple svr4 emul?
To: Christos Zoulas <>
From: Andrew Brown <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 03/16/2001 12:32:43
>>i had this crazy idea that my sparc (dual booting netbsd 1.5S and
>>solaris 8) would be an easy place to set up emulation since i've
>>already got everything (libs, etc) that i need.
>If your solaris filesystem has acls and you mount it under netbsd
>it is a sure fire way to hose it. Actually the NetBSD fsck will
>render your filesystem's superblock unusable under solaris, so
>to recover on solaris you'll need fsck -b 32. Having said all that
>and knowing that you are crazy^Wbrave enough to already have done this...

addennum, in my experience, if you have a solaris file system and you
mount it rw under netbsd, it gets hosed.  i merely mounted, ls'ed a
few times, cd'ed a few times, and unmounted a solaris (8) file system
once and everything in /usr/local/bin was chmod'ed to 0.  among other

>>the /dev entries seem to be totally incompatible (i thought we were
>>using the same numbers as the "native"os?) so i tried this:
>No we are not [and we cannot easily, since we'll need to have a conf.c
>file per emulation and choose the appropriate one for each process.


>The easiest way to achieve what you want, is to mount a small mfs on
>top of /emul/svr4/dev and populate it with the SVR4_MAKEDEV script

or i could just man compat_svr4.  :)

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