Subject: compat_svr4 on ipx and ss5
To: None <>
From: Markus W Kilbinger <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 12/19/2000 22:20:19

I tried netscape solaris version (2.5.1) using a SunOS 5.6 machines
shared libs on a ss5: Worked like a charm! Great!

Did the same on an ipx: Always ends up with an 'Illegal Instruction'.

-> Are the missing 'v8' capabilities on the ipx the reason for this?

In case it is, is there any chance to upgrade an ipx to v8? :-)

Or are my used SunOS 5.6 shared libs the only reason for v8
dependency? (Do v7 versions of such libs exist?)

I've forgotten: On both machines runs NetBSD/sparc 1.5.
