Subject: Re: leafnode on SS5
To: None <>
From: Shannon Hendrix <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 10/11/2000 20:21:53
On Wed, Oct 11, 2000 at 05:45:57PM -0400, Shannon Hendrix wrote:

> I'm running leafnode on a Sparc 5 with NetBSD 1.4.2.
> It's very slow on startup, and when posting or checking .newsrc from trn.
> By slow I mean it can take 10 to 30 seconds to get started, and when
> trn checks .newsrc, it can be 15 minutes before leafnode goes through
> the active groups.

Following up my own post...

I found another version of leafnode called leafnode+ and found it to be orders
of magnitude faster.

No idea what is wrong with leafnode on NetBSD, but I think the leafnode
package should be replaced with leafnode+ until someone can put time into
checking on the problem.

I'm going to try and build a package for myself... time to learn how the
package tools work.

"Whatever..." -- Kenny Gatdula

Charles Shannon Hendrix      s h a n n o n @ w i d o m a k e r . c o m