Subject: Re: 1.4/1.4.2 install kernels break on a Sparc Classic
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 08/18/2000 13:18:59
> I've tried to install NetBSD/Sparc on a Sparc Classic and am running
> into a kernel fault booting the install media.  I tried to check the
> mailing list archive and the PR database, and didn't find anything
> useful.

I think (hope! ;-) that the problem is that the kernel has grown
so large that it bumps into the boot loader, causing Bad Things
to happen.

This problem should have been fixed on the netbsd-1-4 branch
after 1.4.2 was released by relocating the boot loader higher up
in the first 4MB physical memory bank.  I submitted a PR on this
(initially misdiagnosed by Yours Truly as a uvm problem...), I'm
currently offline and can't easily find the PR#, but you can find
it in the CHANGES-1.4.3 file on the netbsd-1-4 branch.

Anyway, if you could make a try with the install media from the
1.4.3_ALPHA snapshot that'd be much appreciated.

Best regards,

- H=E5vard