Subject: Re: recent X11 build
To: None <>
From: Matthew Haas <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 06/26/2000 19:42:14

 Upon looking on NetBSD's FTP site I've found a new snapshot, dated June
20th, with the 1.5 stamped on... this apparently has the recent X11 build,
so I'm about to go reinstall it on my SPARCbook 3GX.

 Thanks for all who have replied.

 -    |||       Atari 8-bit!  Star Wars * SPARCbook 3GX * SUMMER!!    -
-     |||      400/800/XL/XE  Battlestar: Galactica * SPARC * Linux    -
- |  | | |  | 2600/5200/7800  NetBSD1.4.2 * StarTrek * Galaga * SCSI   -
 - ||  |  ||     Lynx/Jaguar  Star Raiders * Descent * Voltron * UNIX -