Subject: SPARC LX boot problem
To: None <>
From: Greg Dunn <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 06/14/2000 21:05:17
D'oh!  Sorry about the missing subject on the previous msg. 
Apologies for the bandwidth...

Michael Wolfson's "setenv boot-device disk0" was the first thing I 
tried, and it worked perfectly; Charles Carvalho suggested 
"/sbus/esp/sd@0:0" which I can't try till I need to reboot. :-)  Hats 
off to the list for incredibly fast and helpful responses!
| Greg Dunn                       | I may just skip college and stay |
|               | home. It'll save me the trouble  |
| The Sultan of Slack(tm)         | of moving back in later.         |
|  |                    Daria         |