Subject: Re: Burning new boot ROMs
To: Darren Reed <>
From: Jukka Marin <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 06/13/2000 07:59:50
On Tue, Jun 13, 2000 at 11:52:45AM +1000, Darren Reed wrote:
> Given my recent experiences, I thought I'd try upgrade the boot ROMs.
> I've found a URL to download boot ROMs for Sun SPARC machines and burn
> my own...BUT...
> where does one find (a) 256k and 512k EPROMs and (b) an EPROM burner
> that will handle EPROMs of that size ?
I have a bunch of unused 512 kbit (64 kbyte) EPROMs in DIL case (that's
what the Sparc wants?) and a burner - but I'm on the wrong continent, I
guess.. ;-)