Subject: Re: zstty baud rates / spif
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: port-sparc
Date: 04/27/2000 00:47:41
> the bpp driver in NetBSD is currently in the process of being fixed..
> i am working with der mouse to get his changes to make it at least
> work into the master system, and it should be done soon.

More specifically, mrg is waiting for mouse to try a driver and report
back. :-/  I've built a kernel with it and it compiles and boots.  I
have yet to hook it up and try it; it doesn't help that everything else
is going nuts in my life at the moment - I have two more days to get my
taxes in, I'm buying out the other co-owner's interest in the place I'm
living, I'm trying to shake free of computers as a hobby, I'm dealing
with an alignment change, and as always there's the loneliness and envy
and bitterness and rage sapping what energy manages to remain.

					der Mouse

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