Subject: Re: Time to get off the fence.....
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: port-sparc
Date: 04/22/2000 11:39:26
>> wrong with NetBSD on the SS1+, but not the IPX.
> Hum, I run NetBSD 1.4 or 1.4.1 on SS1, 1+ and 2 (hyunday clones, with
> 64M of RAM)

Clones may or may not exhibit the problem - I don't know enough about
what's wrong to know whether it's likely.  I've never tried it either
way on anything but real Sun gear.

> as higly-secure machines for users login in from outside, or
> low-traffic web server (pages builds from mrtg, mostly).

I've never seen it except when multiple processes are running, usually
my X session and something else.  (I can't recall ever getting all the
way through a "make build" on a 1+....)  A low-userland-load machine
like the co-loc I mentioned could well stay up indefinitely....

					der Mouse

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