Subject: Re: PowerUp Chip
To: LeRoy C. Miller III <>
From: Yubyub bird <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 04/20/2000 07:26:59
LeRoy C. Miller III said on 2000-04-20:

> I am considering purchasing a powerup chip for my ss2 which currently runs
> NetBSD 1.4.2, does netbsd/sparc support the powerup chip, and are there any
> known problems with it?

I ran an ss2 w/ the weitek chip for a good while on 1.4 and 1.4.1.  No
problems at all.  I've yet to upgrade it to 1.4.2, but I wouldn't expect
any problems.

croquette - n.  A small cake of minced | SMTP:
 food, such as poultry, vegetables, or |
 fish, that is usually coated with     | NetBSD on Sparc, Alpha
 bread crumbs and fried in _deep fat_. |  i386, Mac68k, VAX