Subject: Re: Installation of NetBSD 1.4.2 on IPX.
To: None <>
From: Todd Whitesel <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 03/24/2000 05:09:14
First off, there might be a memory map problem with the 4mb SIMMS; try:

> 	Having a bit of trouble installing NetBSD onto a Sparc IPX.
> I've been reading the mailing list a bit, and I've downloaded the
> latest boot-142.fs.gz and syboot-142.fs.gz files and dd'd them from a
> linux(i386) box with dd if=boot-142.fs of=/dev/fd0 bs=20 (should I have
> left them gzip'd?) with not much success.

gunzip'ing is correct.

Are you sure about the bs=20 ??

With dd I am used to seeing a byte count there, and using suffix letters
to pick units of blocks/kilobytes/megs/etc.

I'd try re-doing the dd, but with bs=20k for example.

NetBSD/sparc 1.4.2 was built and tested on an IPX by me, so I'd be
really surprised if there was something flat out busted. The only known
DOA issue in the install materials at this point is if you have 4mb SIMMS
in the slots that go to the lowest physical address in the memory map.
(Moving a 16mb SIMM to that slot would work around it.)

My IPX has all 16mb SIMMS in it, so I can't test the 4mb fix directly.

Todd Whitesel
toddpw @