Subject: Re: Tadpole 3GX - working serial ports (almost)
To: Tim Rightnour <>
From: Todd Whitesel <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 02/26/2000 02:54:43
> > As the serial ports need the auxio2 attached in order to power on, does it
> > make sense to attach auxio2 before the serial ports?
>I would say allow the devices to attach in whatever order they normally do. 
>When the auxio2 device attaches, I would turn the power on for all the various

Whoa, shouldn't the dependent device always attach last? If it were a USB
controller instead of a serial port, you would _have_ to power it up before
probing anything beyond it. Theoretically there could be logical buses on
things accessed via serial port, although I can't think of any right now.
If we had any of these, wouldn't it be a very bad idea to attach the serial
device before it was really usable?

>If you wanted to tackle it.. you might make it so that opening the serial port
>device, flips the power switch on for the serial ports on the tadpole.  Perhaps
>a final close could turn them off.

Now this Just Makes Sense(tm).

Todd Whitesel
toddpw @