Subject: Re: Ross question
To: Brian Buhrow <>
From: Herb Peyerl <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 01/09/2000 08:54:17 (Brian Buhrow)  wrote:
 > 	When we've purchased Ross chips for Sparc 10 and 20 machines, the 
 > seller didn't know which machine we were going to install in.  PROMS were
 > provided with the chips, and they've worked in both 10 and 20 machines.
 > The advice is good, change the PROM, test, then change the chip.

So I have a Ross related question.

I have a 4/690 in the build-lab that has a Ross 100Mhz chip in
it, working fine.  (pk used it to do the hypersparc support).

We recently acquired a 150Mhz Ross (626) in an SS20.  It works fine
there but putting the cpu in the 4/690 in place of the 100 doesn't
work.  The mchine doesn't come out of reset and all LED's stay
on.  What am I missing?