Subject: Re: unable to boot with 256MB of RAM
To: James Graham <>
From: Ken Hornstein <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 11/24/1999 00:53:20
>Apparently this was a funded project.  If it was funded, surely
>it should have been completed by now, and funded or not, I think
>the NetBSD community deserves to know what the progress is.

Well, speaking as someone who _wasn't_ involved in this work at all ...
I don't think the "NetBSD community" paid for it, so on that front
I don't think we're owed anything.  That's really an issue between
the funder and fundee.  I will admit that I have always been curious
as to what happened so if someone wants to speak up that would
be nice, but otherwise I'm content to conclude that it didn't work
out, for whatever reason.

However, I got the impression (from my "NetBSD Zen sense") that Ross
was starting to do some work on this front, so I thought the semi-ban
on SMP work had either been lifted or had finally rotted away.
