Subject: Re: install problems with 1.4.1
To: Adrian Rollett <>
From: Grey Wolf <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 09/28/1999 11:23:31
On Tue, 28 Sep 1999, /me advised:
# * Short read on bootxx means that the kernel (or bootstrapper) did not
# * make it on to the disk successfully.
# * 
# * Try dd-ing the disk again.  'dd if=... bs=18k of=/dev/rfd0a', I think.
# * 

To which, on Tue, 28 Sep 1999, Adrian Rollett wrote:

# Hi,
# I was using bs=1440k - is that what was screwing me up?

Probably.  Write in the track size, not the whole disk size.

# thanks,
# Adrian

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