Subject: Re: install problems with 1.4.1
To: Grey Wolf <>
From: Adrian Rollett <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 09/28/1999 14:18:14
On Tue, 28 Sep 1999, Grey Wolf wrote:

* On Mon, 27 Sep 1999, Adrian Rollett wrote:
* # Hello everyone,
* # 
* # 	I just got an SSLX (64 megs ram, 1gig quantum fireball HD). So, I
* # just went to try and install it - stuck in the syboot-141.fs disk
* # (appropriately dd'ed, etc. etc.) and it found the kernel, loaded it up,
* # and just when it appeared to be about to do something useful, the kernel
* # panic'd. (the boot-141.fs disk simply failed - an error about bootxx:
* # short read  - or some such) So, the question is, am I out of luck? Should
* # I try the 1.4 syboot?
* Short read on bootxx means that the kernel (or bootstrapper) did not
* make it on to the disk successfully.
* Try dd-ing the disk again.  'dd if=... bs=18k of=/dev/rfd0a', I think.


I was using bs=1440k - is that what was screwing me up?

