Subject: Re: Silly question...
To: Bruce Lane <,>
From: Hubert Feyrer <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 09/19/1999 03:06:03
In article <> you wrote:
> 	How the fsck do I execute a shell script? I've got the binaries
> distribution of Apache for NetBSD all set to install on my nice little
> SPARC IPX, and I can't figure out how to start the &#$(%&^! script!

Make sure the script is marked as executable, then just start it like any
other executable. The kernel will recognize it as shell script 
(which shell can be tuned with "#!/bin/othersh" in the first line of
the script), and pass it on to the shell for interpretation (using
/bin/sh by default, or any other command interpreter that's specified
at "#!" else - possibel are csh, awk, sed, etc. - always with full path!).

If you want to force a script being executed by a certain shell, just
call that shell with the script as argument:


I think the execve(2) manpage contains a bit more info.

 - Hubert

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