Subject: Re: installing on raw system
To: Greg Earle <earle@isolar.DynDNS.ORG>
From: Craig Dewick <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 09/15/1999 22:46:46
Hi Greg,

> If the SS20 only has one disk, stick the SS5's SCA disk into the SS20, bring
> the SS20 down, boot it single-user, do the miniroot install by dd'ing it into
> the SS20 disk's swap space, then reboot with the miniroot and run "sysinst"
> and tell it to do the install onto your fresh new SS5 SCA disk.   You'll get
> the chance to disklabel the new fresh disk in the process.
> How do I know this will work?   Because that's exactly what I did to bring up
> the system I'm typing this on.  I bought a 9 Gb Barracuda SCA disk for my
> home SS20, and I took it into work, slapped it into my office SS20, and did
> the above procedure.  Works like a champ.

Ok, I tried this more or less successfully, but I've come up against a
snag once I was able to get the miniroot running - no filesystems could be
created on the new disk because of SCSI driver timeouts. I tried several
different incantations but the same result occured every time.

So I've now put the disk back into the SS5 and run up the miniroot I
loaded while it was in the SS20 and it's having no problems at all
creating the filesystems. I don't understand why this step was failing on
the SS20, but perhaps the presence of the other disk might have been
tripping something in the esp driver?



            Craig Dewick. Send email to ""
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