Subject: Re: a couple questions...
To: Greg Evans , <>
From: Dave McGuire <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 08/25/1999 07:25:20
On Wed, 25 Aug 1999, Greg Evans wrote:
>Can someone tell me what kind of RAM this thing needs?  It comes without 
>any so I need to purchase some.  I couldn't find that information online 
>(probably looking in the wrong place)

  72-pin parity SIMMs...4 or 16mb.  8mb SIMMs aren't supported though there are
reports of getting them working in certain combinations.

  The IPX takes its memory one SIMM at a time.

  Try  He has decent prices and has always done well by
me.  No, I don't work there. :)

>You are probably thinking that I got a bad deal on it...but I figured 
>that $45 for the box wasn't too bad.

  Not at all.  Contrary to what the PeeCee world would have us believe, these
machines will do the same work today as they did five years ago.  Just avoid
BloatWare(tm) and you'll be in great shape.  NetBSD/sparc is an excellent start
and runs very well on the IPX.  Just try to put in enough RAM to keep it from
paging too much and you'll do fine.

                              -Dave McGuire