Subject: Re: Current Kernel build fails on IPX
To: None <>
From: Peter Yoo <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 06/19/1999 11:27:45
I've taken Christos' suggestion and download 19990605.ELF snapshot and 
re-install the machine and now the machine wouldn't boot.  I get :

Data Access Exception

I've tried the kernel which comes with the tar file and also netbsd.GENERIC 
and they all gave me that error message then ok prompt.

What should I try now?


> In article <>,
> Peter Yoo <> wrote:
> >make; make install of Current config command
> >then config and make new kernel
> >
> >Now, I have 1.4C kernel build, I'm trying to build the user-land with Current 
> >and I'm having similar errors.  I first thought that I would wait some time 
> >until they get fixed but it's been some time.  This is the make UPDATE=1 build 
> >output from this morning's sup :
> >
> As I tried to explain the sparc port has been moved to ELF and there is no
> trivial way to switch... I have done it many times, and still I make mistakes.
> The easiest way is to install the snapshot ELF binary release, and then
> build. Or if you wanna stay with a.out add in /etc/mk.conf
> christos