Subject: Re: Problems with Upgrading NetBSD-1.3.3 --> NetBSD-1.4_BETA
To: None <>
From: Manuel Bouyer <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 04/26/1999 15:50:56
On Apr 26, Markus Kilbinger wrote
> Hi!
> Finally it worked on both platforms I've tried the upgrade: An i386-PC
> and a Sparc/IPX. But I ran into some minor problems:
> - Under NetBSD-1.3.3 there's '/usr/include/{i386,sparc}@ -> machine', and
>   under NetBSD-1.4_BETA it's '/usr/include/machine@ -> {i386,sparc}'.
>   -> Unpacking of 'base.tgz' produces an error, which breaks the
>   installation on my i386. Afterwards on both machines compiling
>   failed due to the missing header files.

This should be fixed in sysinst now. I don't know if the lastest snapshot
include it, but the test boot images (somewhere in, I don't have the exact URL in mind)
have it.

Manuel Bouyer, LIP6, Universite Paris VI. 