Subject: Re: Lack of bootable installation CD-ROM considered harmful
To: None <>
From: Nathan J. Williams <nathanw@MIT.EDU>
List: port-sparc
Date: 03/03/1999 19:55:08
Greg Earle <earle@isolar.Tujunga.CA.US> writes:

> I find it rather troubling that we don't have such a mechanism yet.  How
> do we expect to get new recruits into the fold when we support a gazillion
> ways to do installs, except the most obvious and easiest one?  
	This is slightly flip, but some of us are used to hacking
systens of such a vintage that CD installs are far from obvious. I've
done an order of magnitude more tape installs than CD installs, and
another order of magnitude more network installs than tape
installs. CD installs just don't occur to me as a way to do things. 

	On a more practical note, while making a bootable CD isn't
hard, I gather that making a bootable CD that boots on different
systems is much harder, and those who invest in CD production don't
relish the idea of N different CDs for the various architectures that
have any ability to boot from CD.

	- Nathan, who owns one CD-ROM drive, but just for the laser...