Subject: Re: le0: overflow
To: Steve Conley <>
From: Chris J. Mutter <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 12/17/1998 15:12:29
> Your SPARC station is probably using a network tranciever on an
> AUI (I think it is) port?  If you use a tranciver, you could buy
> a 10baseT one to connect to your LAN directly.  If you need info
> on how to buy one, I know one you can mail order for around $40
> US dollars.
> Coax links connecting to 10baseT hubs is, to quote the manual,
> "not recommended".

aha. Im using a AUI->BNC transceiver. I didnt know that this is not
recommended (I of course dont own the Sparc-Manual ...). whats the
reason that this doesnt work well??

thanks for telling me. Will buy a AUI->TP transceiver .. I cannot mail
order here from austria I guess but thats no problem.

(Ahh I remember now that I bought for my Sparc-IPC webserver a AUI->TP
transceiver and never had any le0:overflow errors.. but this transceiver
here was on stock)

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