Subject: Re: PROM Pass: ?
To: None <>
From: Peter Bentley <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 11/25/1998 09:24:41 wrote:
> On 24-Nov-98 Todd Vierling spoke unto us all:
> #  Sun's support, as of 6 months ago (the last time I had to deal with them) is
> #  outright hostile on a Microsoft scale to non-contract people, and stuffy at
> #  best to contract people.  I've yet to find a really friendly voice in the
> #  mess.
> Hrmm.. they are really nice to you when you have a "Platinum" account..

Hmm. Not sure what colour our contract is, but our machine rooms are a
Sun salesdroid's wet dream[*] and we have Sun Service people on site. 
It's *still* a major uphill struggle whenever we find an OS bug to get
them to even accept it... 

[*] I had a DEC reseller in there the other day, he was visibly moved by
the amount of business he hadn't got...