Subject: Snapshot needed...
To: None <port-sparc@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Incorrigible punster -- do not incorrige <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 07/24/1998 10:56:06
hiya, I'm kinda fscked, here.  I can't seem to make my environment build
correctly at the moment -- anyone got a working snapshot (tarballs) that
I could snarf?

I'm constantly running into the __vfork_14 undefined thing, and I'm so
far out of sync that I can't seem to get everything built properly.
Somehow I managed to get a mixed batch of compiler and userland which is
currently in such a sorry state that I can't rebuild libc.

Everything currently _works_, I just can't build anything new (like,
say, pine 4.0x).

Sorry for the noise;

Q: Where are an elephant's sex organs?
A (rot13): Va uvf srrg.  Vs ur fgrcf ba lbh, lbh'er shpxrq.