Subject: Re: xcdplayer on sparc1 doesn't work.
To: None <port-sparc@NetBSD.ORG>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: port-sparc
Date: 06/19/1998 23:26:23
> ... xcdplayer ... on my sparc1 ... bombs out
> NetBSD 1.3.2 (ALTAIR) #0: Thu Jun 18 07:47:09 MST 1998
> cd0(esp0:6:0): esp0: timed out [ecb 0xf06298d8 (flags 0x3, dleft 42, stat 0)],
> <state 4, nexus 0xf06298d8, phase(l 3, c 3, p 3)
> , resid 26, msg(q 0,o 0) >
> cd0(esp0:6:0): esp0: timed out [ecb 0xf06298d8 (flags 0x43, dleft 42, stat 0)],
> <state 4, nexus 0xf06298d8, phase(l 3, c 3, p 3
> ), resid 26, msg(q 20,o 0) > AGAIN
> esp0: SCSI bus reset
> sd0(esp0:3:0): esp0: timed out [ecb 0xf062990c (flags 0x1, dleft 400, stat 0)],
> <state 2, nexus 0xf062990c, phase(l 6, c 101, p
> 101), resid 26, msg(q 20,o 0) >
> sd0(esp0:3:0): esp0: timed out [ecb 0xf062990c (flags 0x41, dleft 400, stat
> 0)], <state 2, nexus 0xf062990c, phase(l 6, c 101,
> p 101), resid 26, msg(q 20,o 0) > AGAIN
Well, something seems to have corrupted those messages, probably
something aggressively line-wrapping. Aside from that, this looks a
*lot* like the reason one of "my" machines is still on 1.2.
With a 1.2G kernel, the CD drive works fine playing audio discs. With
anything newer - at least anything newer I've tried - I get errors very
much like the above. I keep hoping someone will fix whatever got
broken in the SCSI code, but so far nobody has. (I also keep hoping
for the time to check out successively newer kernel source trees until
I find the change that broke it, but time is my scarcest resource.)
der Mouse
7D C8 61 52 5D E7 2D 39 4E F1 31 3E E8 B3 27 4B