Subject: Re: ss1 netboot probs
To: Todd Vierling <tv@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Mike Ekholm <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 05/07/1998 18:20:49
On Thu, 7 May 1998, Todd Vierling wrote:

> On Thu, 7 May 1998, Mike Ekholm wrote:
> : I am trying to netboot my sparc1 from another sparc1 that has NetBSD 1.2.1
> : installed. It seems like the client is getting the address, and trying to
> : start the transfer, but the file is not being sent. Can someone tell me
> : what is going on?
> The sun4c netboot problem (you may have already tried this):  sun4c's
> actually try to get a file named /tftpboot/XXXXXXXX.SUN4C, and since tftp is
> listed as '-s /tftpboot' in inetd.conf (effectively chroot()ing to that
> directory), you need to make a symlink there: 

Yep, did try this :-(


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