Subject: Re: boot messages of sparcserver 4/470
To: None <port-sparc@NetBSD.ORG>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: port-sparc
Date: 01/30/1998 08:24:11
> I've got a sparcserver 4/470 in the cellar.  When I try to boot it
> with a disk prepared on a sun sparc 1 (this one is running without
> problems), it tries to load the kernel.
> [...bootblocks...spinner...then...]

> Watchdog reset.
> >

AFAIK you'll need to go with SunOS, unless you're up to trying to
complete the port yourself.  A while ago I tried NetBSD/sparc on a 470.
At the time I had to build a special kernel because it needed an option
MMU_3L that wasn't in the generic kernel.  MMU_3L wasn't working right;
indeed, I got a compile error when I turned it on, and after fixing
that it still didn't work (I don't recall what went wrong, but it
should be in the port-sparc archives).  I just now checked 1.3, and at
a quick glance the MMU_3L option appears to be gone.  Based on your
test, I'd guess this means not that it's unnecessary but that the code
it controlled has just been yanked.

					der Mouse

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