Subject: Re: Unbelievable: Sun supports FreeBSD-sparc port for Ultra.
To: Dale Ghent <>
From: Herb Peyerl <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 12/19/1997 06:02:24
Dale Ghent <>  wrote:
 > On Thu, 18 Dec 1997, Greg Earle wrote:
 > | OK, I'll bite: Did they pull the plug on the money before getting around to
 > | funding a sun4m DBRI ISDN/audio driver?  :-)
 > Yeah! Nothing would be better than to actually *use* the soundbox I have
 > for my LX. Although, the ISDN stuff itself would be fun to play with, too.

I think there's a difference between "funding the port" and "providing
hardware to facilitate the port".  While the latter is still a wonderful
thing, it's not quite "paying some number of people to do the work".

IIRC, what happened with the 4m stuff was that hardware (and possibly
documentation) was provided.

....and while were talking about this... Death to the persons responsible
for making the speaker-box plug into the _same connector_ as the AUI
cable on the LX.  I mean, really...